Bohdan Tadeusz Woronowicz, M.D., Ph.D.

Warsaw Academy of Medicine. Post-Diploma Study University of Warsaw. Specialties in Psychiatry, Sexual Dysfunction, Substance Abuse Therapy (certified by State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems).

Co-Founder Foundation of Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous in Poland (Fundacja Biuro Służby Krajowej Anonimowych Alkoholików w Polsce) and first Class A (Non-alcoholic) Trustee of Alcoholics Anonymous in Poland

President of Dependence-Independence Foundation (Fundacji Zależni-Nie-Zależni

1973 Assistant, Adjunct Researcher, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw

1975 Participated in creation of first department of psychotherapy in Poland (and in East Central Europe) for alcohol dependent

1980-present Director of Center for Dependency Therapy, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw

1980 Contributed to organization of „Rebirth” („Odrodzenie”), an Alcoholics Anonymous group, the first in Warsaw and fourth in Poland; offered space for meetings of group; first meeting on May 27, 1980

1984 – 1998 Director of Recovery Treatment subgroup of National Supervisory Board for psychiatry; initiated innovative approaches to treatment and assisted in introducing new programs in dependency therapy in clinics throughout Poland

1986 After continuing education in treatment centers in other countries, especially the United States, introduced new approaches to treatment (including the Minnesota Model) and new psychotherapeutic methods; later accepted specialist positions in many dependency treatment centers, including Hazelden Foundation (Center City, Minnesota, USA), „Professionals in Residence”; Father Martin’s Ashley (Havre de Grace, Maryland, USA); High Watch and Meridian Center (Connecticut, USA); The International Institute for Alcoholism Education & Training (Greenwich, Connecticut, USA); Salt Lake County Division of Substance Abuse Services (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA); Haymarket Center (Chicago, Illinois, USA). Adapted methods to Polish conditions.

1989 Cooperation with Educational Commission on Dependency, Stefan Batory Foundation and with Regional Program Against Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Participated in training of specialists in Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia (including the regions of Siberia, Vladivostok, Sakhalin, Kolyma, Magadan, and Kamchatka), Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia.

1992 Cooperation with newly created Trustee Office of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for the prevention of alcohol abuse and with State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems; member of Accreditation Council and Council of Advisors to the Director of State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems

1994 With partners, began operating private clinic – AKMED Consultation Center (Niepubliczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej – Centrum Konsultacyjne AKMED, or

Received from President of the Republic of Poland, Officer’s Cross of the Order of the Rebirth of Poland „for meritorious service and engagement in actions on behalf of the addicted”

Author of over 200 popular and academic articles and the following books:

Alkoholowe vademecum dla każdego (Alcoholism Simplified) (Ośrodek Apostolstwa Trzeźwości w Zakroczymiu, 1992) Translated into Russian

O czym powinien wiedzieć terapeuta uzależnień (What the Substance Abuse Therapist Should Know) (Instytut Psychologii Zdrowia PTP, Warsaw, 1994)

Alkoholizm jest chorobą (Alcoholism is a Disease) (Państwowa Agencja Rozwiązywania Problemów Alkoholowych, Warsaw, 1999) Translated into Ukrainian

Bez tajemnic o uzależnieniach i ich leczeniu (All About Addictions and Treatment) (Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Warsaw, 2001) Translated into Russian

Na zdrowie. Jak poradzić sobie z uzależnieniem od alkoholu (To Your Health: How to Manage Alcohol Dependency) (Media Rodzina i Parpamedia, Poznań/Warsaw, 2008)

Uzależnienia. Geneza, terapia i powrót do zdrowia(Dependency: Its Origins and Treatment, A Return to Life) (Media Rodzina i Parpamedia, Poznań/Warsaw, 2009)

AKMED Consultation Center – consultations in Polish, English, and Russian. For more information:
tel. +48 608521431; 228555055; 228253333